News & Blogs Events

ICCU and ALPHABETICA: the new portal to explore the cultural heritage of Italian Libraries
The Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries (ICCU), Ministry of Culture (MiC), one of the ADELE project partners, has a deep expertise

Online Training for Library Professionals in Ireland
Public library staff in Ireland have been participating in a very popular programme of online training workshops and skills-share events since early 2020. The topics

ADELE Partner Meeting in Dublin, Ireland
On 20th and 21st of September 2022, the ADELE partnership travelled to Dublin, Ireland for the second in-person meeting, which was preceded by the training

BIBLIO – Supporting librarians through the digital transformation
The BIBLIO project is a Sector Skills Alliance Erasmus+ funded project diving into the impact of digital transformation on the library sector. The aim of

Creating digitally at the library
Europe has 65 000 public library spaces and sees 100 million people visit one of these every year. Over the years, Europe’s public libraries have

Launch of the ADELE project
Earlier this year, we kickstarted the Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe project, or ADELE for short. While we may not be a powerhouse